A grandmother sitting on the deck of a ship and a child sitting on her lap


Ticket change and cancellation cover for ship tickets

Travel with fleksibron

Why FleksiBron?

Enjoy peace of mind knowing your travel plans are protected. Easily change or cancel your tickets without hassle, making your journey as flexible as you are.

  • Change of travel date

    With FleksiBron


    6 days to 30 minutes
    before the trip

    When selecting a new travel date, the ticket price may change. Tallink Silja Line will cover the difference for a cheaper ticket, while the traveller will pay the difference for a more expensive ticket.

    10 € and when selecting a new travel date, the ticket price may change. The price difference will not be compensated.

    Up to 7 days
    before the trip

    When selecting a new travel date, the ticket price may change. Tallink Silja Line will cover the difference for a cheaper ticket, while the traveller will pay the difference for a more expensive ticket.

    When selecting a new travel date, the ticket price may change. Tallink Silja Line will cover the difference for a cheaper ticket, while the traveller will pay the difference for a more expensive ticket.

  • Trip cancellation