Timetables for Tallink Silja Line’s ships

Want to know the departure and arrival times of Tallink Silja Line’s ferries, cruise or cargo ships? Pick your route, suitable date and press the search icon.

All departure and arrival times are given in local time.

AS Tallink Grupp reserves the right to change timetables without prior notice.

For the foresightful traveller

Tram in Tallinn

Transfer to/from harbour

Find reliable transportation to explore the city when you arrive at your destination or return to the port on time for departure.

Family on the ship's outdoor deck

Peace of mind when travelling

Always be prepared for the unexpected by using the flexible ticket change and cancellation cover.

More info
A hand showing a thumbs up sign out of a car's window

Save with Serial Tickets

Enjoy advantages with Serial Tickets on the Helsinki-Tallinn route! Save on popular departures, change your ticket without an additional fee, or share it with friends.

Serial tickets
View from the top floor of Helsinki West Terminal 2

Ports & terminals guide

Our comprehensive ports and terminals guide gives essential information about Tallinn, Helsinki, Stockholm and our other harbours.

Ports & terminals

Frequently asked questions