Good to know
Here you will find important information and regulations regarding your sea journey.
Customs regulations
Find essential information regarding purchase quotas and import restrictions for goods entering Sweden, Estonia, and Finland below. Please note that it is the passenger’s responsibility to understand these regulations before travelling. Import rules may vary based on the route taken, so ensure you are familiar with the requirements before arriving at your destination.
- Age restrictions for the import of alcohol and tobacco to Sweden, Finland, and Estonia
Product Sweden Finland Estonia Alcohol (over 22%) 20 years 20 years 18 years Alcohol (under 22%) 20 years 18 years 18 years Wine 20 years 18 years 18 years Beer 20 years 18 years 18 years Tobacco 18 years 18 years 18 years - Tax-free purchases and Åland islands
Our ships travelling via Åland offer tax-free sales on board. Since Åland is not part of the EU’s tax area, any alcohol purchased here for personal use is treated as goods bought from a non-EU country.
Customs information
- Alcohol and tobacco restrictions on routes via Åland
Restrictions apply to products bought on board as tax-free goods on the routes between Tallinn-Stockholm, Helsinki-Stockholm, and Turku-Stockholm, including:
Alcoholic beverages
- 1 litre (over 22% alcohol) OR
- 2 litres (less than 22% alcohol, sparkling wine, cider, liqueur, etc.) AND
- 4 litres of wine or other drinks below 15% alcohol AND
- 16 litres of beer
Tobacco products for Sweden and Finland
- 200 cigarettes OR
- 100 cigarillos OR
- 50 cigars OR
- 250g of tobacco OR
- Snuff up to €430 value
Tobacco products for Estonia
- 40 cigarettes*, or
- 100 cigarillos*, or
- 50 cigars*, or
- 50 grams of smoking tobacco (incl. Hookah tobacco), which may include up to 20 grams of tobacco product consumed by heating*, or
- 120 grams of solid tobacco substitute (incl. tobacco-free snus),
- 20 millilitres of tobacco liquid, or
- 20 grams of another alternative tobacco product
- one package smokeless tobacco product on the condition that one package contains no more than 50 grams of the product.
Combination rule
It is allowed to combine the quantities marked with asterisk (*) taking into account that each quantity shall represent 100% of the total allowance and any one traveller may bring along quantities not exceeding 100% of the total allowance.
Example of combination: 20 cigarettes representing 50% of the allowed 40 cigarettes + 25 cigars representing 50% of the allowed 50 cigars makes the total allowance of 100%.
- Import regulations from non-EU countries to the EU
- Import regulations between EU countries
1. Travelling between EU countries
When travelling from one EU country to another (e.g., Finland to Estonia), alcohol purchased in another EU country can be imported duty-free if a receipt is available to prove the purchase was made on land.
Allowances for alcohol:
- 10 litres of spirits (over 22% alcohol)
- 20 litres of fortified wine (between 15% – 22% alcohol)
- 90 litres of wine* (between 3.5% – 15% alcohol, max. 60 litres sparkling wine)
- 110 litres of beer
Allowances for tobacco:
- 800 cigarettes
- 400 cigarillos
- 200 cigars
- 1 kg of smoking tobacco, which may include up to 250 grams of tobacco product intended for consumption by heating
2. Exemptions when importing tobacco and snus to Finland
You are allowed to import tobacco products from other EU countries to Finland as exempt from tax in the following maximum quantities:
- 200 cigarettes and
- 50 cigars and
- 100 cigarillos and
- 250 grams of roll-your-own tobacco, pipe tobacco or waterpipe tobacco and
- 200 dose units of other tobacco products or 250 grams of other loose tobacco products, such as cigarette sticks or capsules containing tobacco and
- 200 units of ready-rolled and 250 grams of loose herbal products for smoking, such as herbal cigarettes
- During one calendar day, you can bring in a total of 1 000 grams, or 1 kilogram of snus, nasal tobacco, chewing tobacco.
For more details, please visit the Finnish Customs.
3. Exemptions when importing tobacco to Estonia
In addition to the limitations set by the import regulations between EU countries, the following items can be brought into Estonia:
- 360 g of solid tobacco substitute
- 50 ml of tobacco liquid
- 50 g of other alternative tobacco products
- Up to ten packs of smokeless tobacco products are allowed, provided that each pack contains no more than 50 grams of the product (prohibited smokeless tobacco products: chewing tobacco, snuff, and oral tobacco that do not involve a combustion process are considered prohibited for handling).
For more details, please visit the Estonian Tax and Customs Board website.
- Guidelines for disembarking with purchased goods
Foot passengers
If you are leaving the ship on foot, you must carry all purchased products off the ship with you.
Car passengers
If you placed your purchased alcoholic beverages in your vehicle while on the land or on board the ship, you must remain in the car during disembarkation.
Bus passengers
For safety reasons, all bus passengers must disembark the ship on foot, carrying their purchased alcoholic beverages with them. Leaving alcohol on the bus is strictly prohibited.